Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
last weekend..g program ank angkt..prgres of the progrme cm serba tak kne..i'm not blaming our ajk.they really did a very damn good kg tu je mecmplicated kn keadaan..kte g tmpt sne r kne tunjuk sesmue idak.ade ke patot expect kitrg yg tunjuk jln kpd dri sndri..agk kebengongn disitu.
1st day: kitrg expect nk kne bg ceramah kt dak2 skola..siyes shit da prepare sesmue.but end up.takde studnt pon wei..sedih2.yg ad hnye la adk bradik plak..ktrg men sesme sndri..n smue org cm rse begitu gmbre..haha.
then pas tu.g tgk org baka kayu jd arang. g tgk org ternak ikan..
sukaneka pon tak seindah yg pape pon.kitrg skli lg bjye menghandle keadaan n begembire.hahahhaha.
mlm tu.wat mlm kebudayaan..tons of fun..classmate yg tak pnh disngke berbakat..mampu memecahkn prot smue org.haha..
end of the day..~
2 nd day..ahad.
pagi tu patotnye grak disebabkn mslh pe grak memsg..
g merendek kt jeti..
then ngn kimah kununye nk try g expo jualan r en..bjet cm 10 mnt je aw.skali dkt 30 mnt..
ngn takde helmet serta poket tiada lesen..sental je r..huhu..
expo tu bosan..psar mlm kt uma ak lg besh..hahahhaha.
then g knduri kawen.knduri kawen tu cm simple gle org sne begitu kot.huhu..
da mkn kt sne..
then blk uma ibubapa angkt ku pula..die msak smbl udang.udang kulit keras..sedap dow..3 kali tmbh.haha..
so bile da kre sesmue..kesimpulannye..ak mkn 4 kli tok tengahari sahaja..
then blk.............
grak 4.0opm
smpi uniten 10.35pm.
hampir 6 jam stgh..berada didlm bus sungguh menyeksa.haha
seingt ak r en last skli ak nek bus lelme ni.time drjh 6.g mleka.huhu
pape pon..wekend ku bes.~
p/s. epi besday os..hepi besday yana..hepi besday aisyah~
what lies after n before us dont important.the most important is what lies between us~
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
sem 3. nothng really chnge.
sme clas.sme position n again surrounded by the same people. but still in love them .ehem2..huhu.
tp byk bnde yg ak hrp nk ubah.
*my own prediction to the others.
*attitude towards people n myself.
sglenye akn tgl impian..but.sooner or later.pple will chge..
bck to the situation here..
bru sy sedar akn kepayahan memahamkn org lain..n i'm not really good at it..for others benefit.i'll try my damn shit best..haha
with the unreveal rslt..hoping for the best..klu takle dpt 4 flat..dpt sdare mare tu pon takpe r en.haha.
3.0 flat ke..or even better.make it as apartment.haha..
losing the spirit of studying..wonder where has the spirit went off..ngn ayt yg tunggang langgang..proud of myself..huh..hahaha..
about the previous ielts..did my best.waiting for the rslt..tak mau tak lulus.......
sush juga..bhse agk len klu nk compare ngn bm..hahahaha..speaking ?>>urm..siyes tak tau nk coment pe..speachless.haha.
5/5~ happy birthday jo.
for those people that i hurt..sory..although i did meant them sometimes.. maaf>~
i want people to treat me sy pon tk treat dorg bgos..urm..,,,
sme clas.sme position n again surrounded by the same people. but still in love them .ehem2..huhu.
tp byk bnde yg ak hrp nk ubah.
*my own prediction to the others.
*attitude towards people n myself.
sglenye akn tgl impian..but.sooner or later.pple will chge..
bck to the situation here..
bru sy sedar akn kepayahan memahamkn org lain..n i'm not really good at it..for others benefit.i'll try my damn shit best..haha
with the unreveal rslt..hoping for the best..klu takle dpt 4 flat..dpt sdare mare tu pon takpe r en.haha.
3.0 flat ke..or even better.make it as apartment.haha..
losing the spirit of studying..wonder where has the spirit went off..ngn ayt yg tunggang langgang..proud of myself..huh..hahaha..
about the previous ielts..did my best.waiting for the rslt..tak mau tak lulus.......
sush juga..bhse agk len klu nk compare ngn bm..hahahaha..speaking ?>>urm..siyes tak tau nk coment pe..speachless.haha.
5/5~ happy birthday jo.
for those people that i hurt..sory..although i did meant them sometimes.. maaf>~
i want people to treat me sy pon tk treat dorg bgos..urm..,,,
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