Friday, July 31, 2009


stlh menuka layout.then sy tak reti nk buat pape da.nk linkkn org pon suda tidak reti.nk tmbh pape pon tak reti suda.sgt menyngal. :)
tahap ketembaman sy mken menigkat.pipi penoh.makan byk kot.haha.takde mslh. :))
sy takde cm sntiase bz.ade shje menuggu2 utk disiapkan.haha.rutin seorang pelajar berkaliber.haha.
cik firdaus :))

kekosongan masa

1. apa perasaan anda sekarang?
ngntok. bes.smue bnde cm ok :))

2. saya nak makan..
laksa.caremel.buah rambutan.nasi cream.

3. saya x suka...
teringt.mengantok.prot penuh.

4. impian saya.
fly cepat2.byk duit.perfect score. :)

5. haiwan yang saya x suka..

6. saya harapkan..
dpt tgk movie tnpa mengtok.dpt mkn tnpa rse prot nk pecah. :p

7. jika boleh putarkan masa..
tak pyh la.buang mse.haha

8. saya pada 10 tahun akan datang..

9. handphone saya adalah sebuah?
alat telekomunikasi yg le anta msg serta kol shj..

10. saya pernah bercinta sebanyak..
takde.smuenye cm takle consider as berCINTA. meaningless.haha

11. saya suka pada..
katil yg empuk.comfter yg bes.bantal yg byk.blk yg sjok.sronok tido. :)

12. kawan-kawan saya..
peneman sentiase.sgt bes.

13. pernah dikhianati?
tak yg slh bad.haha

14. apakah yang hendak anda lakukan terhadap orang yang mengkhianati anda?

15. senaraikan 8 orang untuk d tagged.
jo.farah.hasbi.hanna.nan.sespe shje.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

be strong

mencarik kekuatan tok menjadi kuat.
3 days to go.

Monday, July 20, 2009


port dickson.

Monday, July 13, 2009

view of me.*_*

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

sy tgh lapa

wekend sy? superb sronok..~> (wlupon sy telepas party tu en.takpe.birthday ak blom lg.haha)

kn sy kte.the best moment is when u really spend ur time with the family tnpa melyn sbrang perasaan.kre cm btol2 memasukkn diri anda dlm situasi itu.

kitrg g pd.syg gak r kak ya takde en.harsh2 sy pon.kakak sy tu sy syg la. :) .makan kt tepi pantai.sgt bes. ngn buah-buahan tempatan lg.tambah kebestan. bpe lme nth tak lepak cmni.

npe ek ble sy da plan bnde nk wat.pastu ade plak org yg tukang spoilkan.adoi.sgt tidak suke. :(

antara minat serta tanggungjawab.?. tido je nk perlu jd matang. :P

bg sy en.dunia kampung ngn sush gle nk masuk.kte r.dlm usia 50. seorg duda.n sorg janda.duda is org bnda.but janda is org kampung. sy rse.janda tu le je msuk dlm khdupan banda.sbb lelaki tu yg sbgi guideline duda kampung nk msuk dlm idup janda banda.le jd culture shock.hahahahahahhahahahaah. crk la org kampung yg tua2 sket k :P

karam dilautan yg dalam.(takde point) hahaha

kebetulan yg cm drama.tepengaruh ngn drma melayu r sy ni. haih.rosak otak.haha

falsafah bob : hati ni cm buah epal.memle cm lawa je.ble kte gigit.pastu nk cantum blk.mmg la le kn cm ade bekas2 tu.bnde akn jd bekas stil ade.parut la tu.haha.btol la kot.kot la.haha

kulit glap aritu pon tak ilang mken ank org mata kecik.cacat tol.hahaha

bln 8 akn jd cm nk kje..

emi.len kli je r lepak sme.timing slh r.b4 ko blnje.haha.anas blnje ak mkn.haha

sy da tak pretend da yg org nmpk.tu prasaan sbena yg msih rse sy tipu dri sdri.sbok la korg ni.korg plak yg tipu dri sdnri.haha

still 6 months left.lambatnye.

sal tuka blk silibus g bm tu.sgt tidak kne.klu tak sbb tuka bi. sy takkn berada kt tmpt sy skg ni.confdnt level sy pon sure msih rendah.skg da tahap riak je.tu mslh gak.hahaha

Saturday, July 11, 2009


keluarga sy tak cm org ade org sme en.haha.

saat yg sronok adlh ketika makan durian. :) sbb cm da only time klu bln tak pose ni mkn sesme.

then cm ble bln puase.mse2 itu shje kami mkn semeja melainkn dipkse.. haha

family ni org slalu take for granted sbb cm takkn lari ke mne.

penyokong terbaik - keluarga.
pendengar terbaek - keluarga.
pembebel terbaek - keluarga.
pembantu terbaek - keluarga.

wlupon sy jrg blk rumah,jrg kol, sy tak pnh lpe la kt uma. sy ej tau pe dlm otak ni.haha

bg sy kt keluarga adlh syg yg sgt suci kot.haha.sbb tak perlu nk tunjuk.kte pon tatau kte rse.cme yg kte tau.kte care.rse nk jge.tak nk dorg sush. bia kte sush takpe.but not them.dlu ye la sy cmtu.but.u cn detect the chnges en mummy?.haha.yg klu jd pape kt dorg.kte akn risu.wlupon sy nmpk cm tak amek kesah. :)

spe je pon yg msg fmly everyday.sush nk crk.btol?.

klu org kte die knl kte more than our friends do. ignore that coz keluarga adlh sermin terbaek anda tok mengenali diri sndri. keluarga takkn tipu tok sdpkn ati anda. diorg berckp benar tok menjadikan anda lebih baek. tak pernah demand. terima kte seadanye. berada di kalangan keluarga adlh saat2 yg sy menjadi sgt kuat kerna kasih syg tu begitu kuat. :)

ade one time tejge pagi kot.then.smue bnde cm begerak ngn begitu laju.rse cm sgt tkot. g blk mummy. tros cm ilang rse tkot tu.rse slmt.haha.mummy kte.tu sbb syg mak tu kuat. :)

sometimes. kte tak nmpk pe yg parents kte nmpk. but sooner later kte akn seda gak. hopefully tak terlalu lambat ble kte da seda tu. :D

kemerayapan lagi

hari ini. merayap lgi. :)
gembire , duit hbs la tapi , kesah pe. haha..

farah wahida. terima kasih ats perbelanjaan makanan malam td ;p . dan juga ats pujian2 anda terhadap blog sy. haha

nk g bjln lg sok. semoga kerja2 sy siap. :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

smgu di uniten.

die kte : dlm idup ni kne ade sedih. cbe bygkn. klu exam. asik dpt a je. lelme rse gmbre dpt a tu da tade. but then.cbe tetbe dpt c. cmne prasaan anda .well cnfrm r sedih down.but then.bnde tu wat kte lg brusaha tok jd lbh baek.,then ble dpt a blk. rse gmbre tu akn cm bes sgt. :) .sgt membantu. .haha..

takde bnde nk igt sbb smue cm takde nilai. haha~

maaf la menganggu hidup anda

blog sy, its my right to write wateva i wish to. btol bukan.

lately cm mrayap gle.hbs clas je tros kua.

ari slse. g mines ngn jo.shu.fahimah. niat asl nk tman fahima beli baju. die ajk ak tp die tak cye ak le bwk moto ngn slmt. so ajk la jo. shu tu plak.hnyela pemenuh keadaan.haha. apa kami buat.? isi minyak dlu.then redah ujan. smpi mines. then jln.MAKAN. wat cm uma sndri kt tmpt mkn tu.sronok gle kot.ak je kne.haha.then g karok. suare sy tak ade sy kesah.?,haha.blk da mlm gak r.almost ten.maken trok bukn.haha

ari kamis : alamnda plak. tp kli ni ak ngn jo je la. time g tu ak bwk r sbb dr mati sbb bg jo bwk bek ak bwk.haha. proses mncri parking tok moto mmg mgmbil mse yg lme.haha. dr nk tgk transformer end up tgk 17 again. satu ari nti aku akn kje gak. wanna to prove to mereka2 yg amat tidak yakin ngn kebolehan ak. ak le bedikari la wei.haha.

"if u dun respect urself how can u expect people to respect u"
"sygi dri anda dlu "

kisah di alamanda.
cm nk crk sweater en.then g msok giordano.espirt. last msuk al ikhsan.then nmpk mal pokus gle tgk kasut.bjet cm nk bg die cm tkjot r smgt lbh.then tetbe ade org cm trik beg. ngeng sungguh. rpenye din ngn codain da folow ktrg since kt giordano. nk ambush org but end up da kne ambush.haha

cm gmbre r ngn life.tenang, smue cm da lpas.n takde bnde nk kne pk da. enjoy je.7 months left. hope to make thngs better. :)

nasihat sy. jgn tido ptg la wei. nti biul cm ak.hahaha

pak arep kte sy gangster.gangster berjaya.haha

for those who read my blog.i dun ask u to.but its ur choice.just read.tak perlu nk sentap or mkn dlm. i jus dont care AT ALL. nk kesah pe org rse.smpi beble pon tak kn hbs.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

rase itu pahit

bnde yg ak le lg glak dlu.da takle nk glak da skg.rse tu da laen.pnh korg rse cm dihina n plus cm kne pijak2.tak pyh rse.korg cnfrm tak ske rse tu.

ak tatau pe ak rse skg..nan.ak ngh rse pe ko rse.. :( ak tak baek la wei.cmne ni.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


sy da dpt rslt.n dat prove how profesional i am......weeeeeeeee~

die takde pape kot klu nk kre.. haha. gembire ngn rslt sy :)