Monday, December 20, 2010

wahai hati. sabar eh. ade hikmah atas ape yang jadi. Tuhan nak tunjuk kot ape yang kau tak nampak selame ni. ade la tu kurang2 dekat mane.

betullah. tak kesah betapa kite nak lupekan satu benda tu. and we believe we are sooo over it. somehow. when we were back to that particular place. benda tu ade je lagi kat sane.

you need to learn to deal with it not pretending yang benda tu tak bagi impact dalam hidup. bongok lah kau.

sumpa aku tak reti nak bersyukur dgn ape yang aku ade. sibuk nak kejar macam kejar bayang2.

wake up nina. wake up. get over it.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

i have left the teeeennnn. so young lady out there, i know how it feels when love hurts. hahaha :p

trust me on thing, love shits are so much easier than real life problem. :D

if you loose faith once, nobody turns into you. come to me, trust me i can be you shoulder to cry on though i might not be as good as expected. :D

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

kalau dah menjoy tu. makan pun dah tak ingat dah kan. cuba kalau tengah belaja, dan2 tu jugak la nak berak la. nak makan lah, nak kencing lah.runsing saya dengan manusia ni :D