Wednesday, January 06, 2010


sy suke membace bnde2 lame.huhu.komen kt friendster pe sume :)

Mohamad Akmal 12/23/2005 6:40 pm
ermm..nina farina ekk..die ne mmg baek..nampak mcm bdk sombong tapi klau dah kenal btoi2 tu die mmg baek n x memilih kawan..tapi satu bende yg aku x penah tgok ko buat..aku x pnah tgok ko marah sape2..depan mate aku arr..haha..

Abner 01/13/2006 12:53 pm
mmmm...tentang nina..bdk pandai..suka ckp byk po pek..bla..bla......ramai yg ckp nina BEAUTIFUL..terutama KAMA...nina sorang yg baik n suka tlg... blh main piano..ttp x blh cbr ngan sy..!!! hehehe.....well thiz is all 4 cr bye.

NaSyeR03/11/2006 8:30 pm
wey nina!!!
juz wanna drop by to say hye...
so whut do u think of our skewl???hakhak...neway nk comment sumthin bout u...u're too damn TALL man....i reallly feel shorter standing next to ya...try to stop growing ok...haha...juz gotta go...see ya later...

eylow nine...
nuttin much 2 say exactly...
coz dak gedik neh bru masuk kluz aku..
at sbpi rwg...
first impression aku kat die agak truk r...
walaupun x satruk penyakit aids..
tp stil truk gak..
but after sometime...
bru aku tau y dak neh cool gak to hang out with...
dier neh jarang arr masam muke...
cume wat muke cam tenuk 2 slalu arr gakk...ekeke...
datz all kot..
my advice...
jgn lorr omsick memanjang yerk!ekekek

nina nie bdk dorm aku...
eleh pandai nak ckp org kuat tido...die pon 2x5 jerk..muahaha..mane ade aku kuat tido..aku dok ats katil 2 bkannyer aku tido..aku baring sambil berzikir taw!!memuji2 Allah..dpt gak x??haha..nina2...sker btol membising dlm dorm..dah la 2 kuat mkn 1 jerk aku respect kat die nih...bek ati laa gak..sker membantu insan2 yg memerlukan p'tolongan..hehe..chewah..jgn kembang yerk..:)die nih kan seorang yg tabah..kakaka..wpun baru menjejakkan kaki ke dari riak muke die nih cam x omsick jerk..haha..mmg lew..rumah dekat le katakan..sekangkang kera jerk!!muahaha..wokeylah nina..till then..thanks 4 da testi..arap ko berbahagialah idop sedorm ngan akuh..!!muahaha........bubbbyeeee........wassalam. .......:)

PeeQ 05/30/2006 5:29 pm
alo... yg best nak testi ko ni...
bnyk point leh dpt...
hmmm...die ni kat klas kuat tidoooooo....kitorang pnggil die aeroplane sbb die ni bile nak tido fuhhh landing baik nye...hahaha...
pastu die ni bajet power plak...bajet ko nye fizik tu power la....hahaha
hmm...biar aku bg ko satu tawaran klas....nak x???

klas menyebut huruf 'R'...hahaha....confirm kalo ko gi klas ni ko dah x kene kutuk lg...
hahahaha....cti ni jgn tido memanjang....
buatla apape yg ptut...

t A s n E e M05/30/2006 3:21 am
assalamualaikumwarahmatullahhiwabarakatuh....oiit ninafarina,perli nmpk..huhu...psl dak jek knl ng die dis cm da knl dr kck...haha...ske kco die...dak nih ske wat muke plk2 ble org still cun even ble wat muke yg plk2...baek cam aku...pkr addmath(sll dpt highest tuh dlm kls..hehe..)..tgi lbh krg cm aku jek(aku tgi sket kot..keh3x)....yg pntg dak nih star yg t'knl(1dnie tuh...hebat2x)....atlit yg b'wibowo...dan mcm2 lagik...*p/s u nina:cut nih jgn mkn byk2..nti gumok//!!!

nur izzah 05/31/2006 1:06 pm
oit dak~!
loker n meje sepah pon nak capub ke? utk pengetahuan sume... act, locker n meje dia lagi haru dr tu... tu plg kemas ar sbb nak amik gamba kan... sure ar kemas dl kan? muahaha... jgn mare cik nina yg comey... huhu...

its ok i know where i'm standing in u..

its fine with me..u also seems looks tension now,gurl dont give up now,u have done a great job for about half year so proceed it n acheive the success at the end of the journey...the bitter u eat the sweeter ur me........i know u bz now n i'll try to understand....relax and cheer up..bykkan solat sunat..think positive n be happy dont let the darkside concer ur self...fight it like a true JEDI..ok after this go back to sepintar n do ur best..after thats when we meet each other we meet in victory n proudness ok..

Dear Nina,

I would just like 2 tell u dat..
Friends is to..

(A)ccepts you as you are
(B)elieves in "you"
(C)alls you just to say "HI"
(D)oesn't give up on you
(E)nvisions the whole of you
(F)orgives your mistakes
(G)ives unconditionally
(H)elps you
(I)nvites you over
(J)ust "be" with you
(K)eeps you close at heart
(L)oves you for who you are
(M)akes a difference in your life
(N)ever Judges
(O)ffers support
(P)icks you up
(Q)uiets your fears
(R)aises your spirits
(S)ays nice things about you
(T)ells you the truth when you need to
hear it
(U)nderstands you
(V)alues you
(W)alks beside you
(X)plain things you don't understand
(Y)ells when you won't listen and
(Z)aps you back to reality..

I am so happy to have a friend like u!
Friends forever!

Your Friend,

Sans 11/30/2007 2:40 pm
esok adalah hari yang ditunggu....
postpone lagi.....
kamu akan bersatu dengan tanah...

tgk rindu gle mase lampau en.scandal lame pe sume. mcm school days. god.sgt sronok. the story behind all the incidents. the love. everything. la org kte.time ade.tak nk ak rse ak da ckop appreciate dah.haha i wish to have all this back.

sebagaimana yang korg2 smue byk puji ak r. besides kuat bersepah pe sume. wlupon rmi yg tak ske sbpi rawang tu. bg sy.skola tu bentukk sy jdi manusia skrg.kalau tak sbb umi bsg sbb sy tido kt msjd pastu mrh dpn smue org then kte sy jln cm mengada2. nasyer.ko sure igt en.ko bahan ak lme gle sbb bnde tu.haha. klu tak sbb bnde tu.sure sy tatau yg sy jalan cm mengada nak mampos.haha

on my last day there. sy g jmp ustazah habsah. tujuan. sje je.tunjuk ati ikhlas gak r. wlupon die yg amek fon sy a day before paper phsyc. sbb bnde tu la fizik sy A2 ye rakan2.kalau tak.da starght a da.haha.

ari2 last kt sne. air mata cm murah.well. nina yg kayu ni cm ciwek gak r sal bnde2 pisah2 ni.nth r. tak bole nk trime sgt. dpnds ngn spe sy berpisah en. but insyallah. this time nye pisah.i'll make it worth. :) done for today.goodbye past.welcome future:D